A Searchable Database on the
Internet of The Waterfront Center's
Excellence on the Waterfront Awards
Program Winners 1987-2020

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Exploring the Search Engine
The Waterfront Center has loaded
information about almost all the awards granted by the Waterfront Center since 1987
into a searchable database linked to our webpage, see more detail in the
Introduction below.
The search engine stores information in
the following categories: Award Year, Award Category, Project Type, Project Name, Award City, Award State, Award Country, Entrants Names, Award Organization, Organization Website, Contact Name, Contact Address, Contact Phone, Contact E-Mail, Project Description, Jury Comments.
You can enter a search in any of these categories. If you enter
2011 for example you will see a list of
all the awards granted in that year. Click on the award name of one of the projects and
you will see all the information, including images, about that project.
If you entered a country, Korea for example, you will see all the awards
granted for that country.
The search engine also scans the text of the
project description so if you search for park for example you will see not
only the projects categorized as parks but also those that have the word park
in their project description or jury comments. To view only those projects
categorized as Park awards click on those projects labeled Park in the Award
Category column.
In 1981 Ann
Breen and Dick Rigby founded the Waterfront Center, a non-profit educational
organization, in the belief that waterfronts — where the land meets the
ocean, bay, lake, river or canal — are unique, finite resources. The mission
of the Center is to advance, through its educational work and advocacy, the
most beneficial and diverse use of community waterfront resources in the
long-term public interest.
Ann Breen
Waterfront Center
In 1987 the
Waterfront Center began the “Excellence on the Waterfront Awards Program,”
initiated with grants from the National Endowment for the Arts Design Arts
Program and the National Marine Manufacturers Association, to recognize
top-quality design and development work from around the world. Entries are for
comprehensive plans, built projects and student work. The Center also
recognizes grassroot citizen’s efforts through a Clearwater Award named for
the non-profit group of that name working to clean up the Hudson River in New
the years the stature of this awards program has grown internationally. In
2012 seven of the ten awards came from outside the U.S., including Malta, New
Zealand and Singapore The Waterfront Center is known as an independent
institution and the judgments rendered by the awards juries are seen as
unbiased recognition based on merit. Honor awards are increasingly
sought after and prized. The initial announcement of each year’s awards
comes during the Center’s annual conference on waterfront planning,
development and culture.
Since the
start of the program the Waterfront Center has presented awards to 370
recipients. Since 2004, popular, 20-page illustrated booklets have been
prepared each year to publicize the winning projects, and more recently the
winners have been posted
The goal of
this project is to create an interactive digital database with information
about all the projects that have won awards in the Waterfront Center
"Excellence on the Waterfront Awards Program" and to make it freely
available to the public in an accessible form. The 25-year record documents
some of the best thinking on waterfront planning and design from around the
information in the database includes the name of the project,
illustrative images, descriptive text, jury comments, and identifying
characteristics to allow interactive searches. The database is
built with software that would allow searches to be made to extract projects
of particular interest.
The database
is posted on the Internet as a free resource linked to the Waterfront
Center’s existing, actively-used web site . This unique resource, available
no where else, is a valuable reference for designers, developers,
planners, and students.