Urban Waterfronts 2014: Making Connections
Presentations from the Washington D.C. and Baltimore Maryland Conference
Welcome, Ann Breen, Co-Director, The Waterfront Center,
Washington, D.C.
Panel 1: Resiliency - The New Imperative
Moderator Barry Hersh, Schack Institute of Real Estate, New York, N.Y.
Multiple Crises in Christchurch, Rod Marler General Manager Development,
Waterfront Aukland, Auklan, New Zealand
in a Coastal Zone, Collette Creppell, Principal/Director of Urban
Strategies, Eskew + Dumez + Ripple, New Orleans
Post Sandy: Rebuilding by Design,
Brie Hensold, Senior Associate, Sasaki Associates, Watertown
Panel 2: Genius Loci - The Art of Creating Special Places
Moderator Ed Freer, Principal, Smith Group/JJR, Madison, Wisconsin
The Art of Making Things
Distinctive Down Under, Stuart Niven, Melbourne,
Riverfront Pop-Ups - Loaded With Personality, David Fierabend. Peincipal,
Groundswell Design Group, Hopewell, New Jersey
Panel 3: Deciding on the Right Mix
Moderator Mike Krieger, Of Counsel, Dunn and Lambert, Malwah, New Jersey
Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of
Pueblo - Transformational and Catalytic, Don Brandes, Principal, Matrix
Design Group, Denver, Colorado
Lessons from Northwest Waterfronts, Mark
Hinshaw, Principal, LMN Architects, Seattle, Washington
Yuma's Colorado River
Offers a little Bit of Everything, Charles
Flynn, Executive Director, Yuma Crossing National Area, Yuma, Arizona
Panel 4: Let's Celebrate! The Special Role of Festivals and Events
Moderator Jim August, CEO, The Forks North Portage Partnership, innepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Tips and Tidbits from Festivals Large
and Small from Around the World, Charlotte DeWitt, President. Internationa
Events, Boston, Massachusetts
Lots of People, Lots of Love on the Detroit Riverfront, Karen Slaughter-DuPerry,
Projects/Community Outreach Executive, The Detroit River Conservancy, Detroit,
The Waterfront Center Excellence on the Waterfront Awards
The 2014 Excellence on the
Waterfront Awards Presentation
The Waterfront
Center 2014 Conference Gala Dinner