When You
Should Hire Waterfront Community Consultants
At the outset of a planning effort. We help set the course, cover all
relevant concerns, review successful applicable efforts in other
communities, and direct you to available funding and information sources.
Waterfront Community Consultants work should precede a bidding process
involving the release of a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or
Request for Proposal (RFP). A community, armed with a Waterfront Community
Consultants report or a community-based plan, is in a much stronger
bargaining position and better equipped to direct a consulting team. With
preliminary planning work done, the RFP cost can be significantly reduced.
When you need independent, expert comment on an ongoing comprehensive
waterfront planning effort, prepared either by outside consultants or a city
planning department. We'll make sure all factors are considered, all
relevant options explored — in short, that your plan is the best it can be
for your money and effort. Competent consulting firms welcome our
participation in this way.
At mid-course in a waterfront undertaking we'll help you take an objective
look at what's been done, suggest additions or changes that might be made,
and generate ideas for augmentations or other ways you can build on the
developments in place.
After a plan has been largely implemented, we'll help you take a fresh
look at where to go next and help you chart the next phase.
mail@waterfrontcenter.org ©
2005 The Waterfront Center
Content and photographs on this site may not be reproduced without express
permission from The Waterfront Center.