The awards program was begun in 1987 with a grant from the National Endowment for the arts. With the
2015 program, there will have been 28 years of recognition of top urban
waterfront work from around the world, totaling approximately 370
activities. The Center is seeking funding to enable it to put all of the winners
on its Web site. Each entry will be illustrated, described and current contact
information provided. The work will be accessible by award year, type of project
and geography.
CONGRATULATIONS to one and all
Winners of the Waterfront Center Excellence on
the Waterfront Awards are now in the search
database. Go
HERE and enter 2016 into the search box
We are pleased to announce this year's winners
selected by our interdisciplinary jury that met in
Cape May, N.J. July 29 and 30. We publicly thank
them for generously giving of their time and
We also thank all of those who submitted
entries. As is always the case, much good work
was not selected this year but we will be
encouraging folks to re-enter in 2017 - our 30th
awards program!
The 2016 Jury: from l-r: Ray Gastil, planning
director, City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; Kim Mathews, principal, Mathews
Nielsen Landscape Architects, New York, New York,
Charles Flynn, executive director, Yuma Cross
National Heritage Area, Yuma, Arizona, jury chair
and Werner Plessl, executive director, Hamilton
Waterfront Trust, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
NEW FOR 2016! Since the the October 21st awards
event is being expanded to half a day so the
attendees will not only witness the awards ceremony,
but also hear first-hand presentations by the
winners, we decided to publish the list to give you
a sneak peak. Several of the winners have already
responded that will attend and present. We will give
a list of the presenters in future blasts and list
them on the web site. This promises to be a very
interesting mini-conference. A champagne reception
will wind up the day at The Churchill, a boutique
hotel on Connecticut Avenue.. Fee will include
conference attendance and the reception.
Mini Conference details can be found HERE and
a sign up form HERE.
program, organized by the non-profit Waterfront
Center of Washington, D.C., features 10 winning
entries from a universe of 48, plus one citizen’s
award. This year’s jury, meeting in July in Cape
May, N.J.. made two Top Honor selections. They are:
Vision for the Willamette Falls Legacy Project
City of Oregon City, Oregon, Top Honor Plan.
Submitted by Ken Pirie, Walker Macy, Portland,
Oregon, and Chritina Robertson-Gardiner, City of
Oregon City, Oregon.
Houston, Texas, Top Honor Project. Submitted by
Kinder Baumgardner, SWA Group and Anne Olson,
Buffalo Bayou Partnership, both Houston, Texas
Honor Awards in alphabetical order:
Riverwalk/State Street to LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois. Submitted by Gina Ford,
Sasaki Associates Inc., Watertown, Massachusetts
and Carol Ross Barney, Ross Barney Architects,
Chicago, Illinois, and Michael Claffey, Chicago
Department of Transportation, Chicago.
the Saw Mill River, Van der Donck Park
New York. Submitted by William Kuhl, Saratoga
Associates, New York, New York and the Mayors
Office, City of Yonkers, New York.
Valley Industrial Center and Community Park
Wisconsin. Submitted by William E. Wenk, Wenk
Associates Inc., Denver, Colorado, Dave Misky,
Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Milwaukee, and Corey Zetts, Menomonee Valley
Partners, both Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Riverwalk Pump Station
Moines, Iowa. Submitted by Paul Mankins,,
substancearchitecture and Pam Cooksey, City of
Des Moines Engineering Department, both Des
Moines, Iowa.
Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Submitted by
Xiao Zheng, SWA Group, Laguna Beach, California
and Xi Yun, Xiangjiang New City District
Administration Commission, Changsha, Hunan
Province, China
Rockaway Boardwalk Reconstruction
Queens, New York. Submitted by Jonathan
Goldstick, CH2M and Dan Colangione, New York
City Economic Development Corp., both New York,
New York.
Patrick’s Island Park
Alberta, Canada. Submitted by Civitas, Inc.,
Denver, Colorado, W Architecture & Landscape
Architecture LLC, Brooklyn, New York. and
Calgary Municipal Land Corporation, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.
Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility
New York. Submitted by Annabelle Selldorf,
Selldorf Architects, New York, New York., and
Tom Outerbridge, Sims Municipal Recycling,
Brooklyn, New York.
Citizen’s Award
Ernst Trail Group, Meadville City, Vernon
Township and Union Township, Pennsylvania.
Formed in 1995, volunteers have worked to
establish a recreational trail including a
covered bridge built mostly with volunteer
Serving on the 2016 jury were:
• Charles Flynn, executive director, Yuma Crossing
National Heritage Area, Yuma, Arizona, jury chair.
• Ray Gastil, director, Department of City Planning,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
• Kim Mathews, principal, Mathews Nielsen Landscape
Architects, P.C., New York, New York.
• Werner Plessl, executive director, Hamilton
Waterfront Trust, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Waterfront Center announces winners of the 2014
“Excellence on the
Waterfront” Program
here to see the 2014 Awards Presentation
2014 Jury Listing
Joel Mills, director, American Institute of Architects/Communities by Design, jury chair,
Mike Dawson, CEO, River Alliance.Columbia, South Carolina
Luis Cantante de Matos, chief engineer, Luanda Waterfront Project, Luanda, Angola
Margot Long, principal, PWL Partnership Landscape Architects, Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia
Jeff Parks, president, ArtsQuest, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Awards Search Engine


Check out this and previous year award winners. Click
on booklet covers to view.

These publications are available for
purchase. Click on Books.
here to see the 2010 Awards Presentation
The 24th
Annual Excellence on the Waterfront Awards Program
e-mail: mail@waterfrontcenter.org ©
2007 The Waterfront Center
Content and photographs on this site may not be reproduced without express
permission from The Waterfront Center.